Ayllón is known for its history and art. This beautiful market town was destroyed by the Romans in 190bc and repopulated by the Arabs in the 10 Th century. It was at its greatest in Medieval Times which you will find the remains of as you walk around the town. You can do it on a 1hour and 40 minutes guided tour with actors who bring to life how the town would have been in those days.


This is another medieval town about 15 minutes drive from Ayllon. It has a huge medieval gate by which you enter the town and see the church of San Miguel and the Romanic church of Santa Maria, the castle ruins, the walls and medieval tower make it a place not to miss.


This market town is a 30 minute drive with a beautiful main square surrounded by bars and restaurants. There are many churches and buildings of great architectural interest. Nearby you will find part of the natural park which follows the river Duratón and the chapel of San Frutos.


This is a 45 minutes drive but well worth it to visit a walled medieval town with its medieval gate. It has a castle, a beautiful square and many lovely narrow streets.


About a 40 minute drive you will find Burgo de Osma which was once a walled city too .It was declared a Touristic town in 1962 and won a prize in 1993 also. Its cathedral with is cloister of Romanic origin. The old hospital is now the cultural centre of the town .The main square and surrounding streets, the palace and the city walls are all worth to visit.


A 35 minutes drive. This was a Celtiberian city which was positioned at the head point of the valley of the river Duero in the upper meseta and the valley of the river Tajo at more than 1200 m. There is an interesting museum with an exhibition of there findings.


This is a 50 minute drive into the beautiful Sorian countryside. At the top part of the town you have a great view of this medieval city and the river Milanos. The city walls decorated on one side flank the castle ruins giving it it's peculiar aspect of a fortification.

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